Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thing 2: Making the most of Blogger

Blogs that only have text are boring. And they don't make the most of the multi-media aspect of web 2.0. So for this "thing" I'm asking you to use some of Blogger's tools to make your posts more exciting.

Simple formatting
There are some simple things you can do to make your blog more interesting. You can see from the toolbar across the top of a blogger page many icons that are familiar.

You can make text larger, bold it, use italics, or even use lots of amazing colors for text. These tools can be used as toys, or they can be used rhetorically, to make your writing work better.

In addition, Blogger offers icons that allow you to make the most of Web 2.0. For example, you can post a picture.

That's a "virtual cadaver," created by a software company in Iowa City. I just wrote a story about it for the Gazette's Engineering Today tab.

Just click on the picture icon (next to the spell check) and follow the directions. Pictures will always end up at the top of the post; you can cut and paste them where you want them.

You can also share your favorite links. Just highlight the word you'd like to make into a link, and click the globe/chain icon. Enter the URL. For example, here's a link to the New York Times website.

I haven't had luck with the "add video" icon at the top. I usually post video to You Tube and then use the embed code to embed videos I've created. You can find the embed code right below the video. Click on "embed" and the code will be highlighted. Copy it and paste it into your blog.

BUT don't forget to click on the "edit HTML" tab when you paste in the embed code. It's in HTML.

Here's a feature story video I created about a giant Easter Island Head in Iowa . . . .

Or sometimes, I just embed the code for someone else's video I think is worth sharing, like this one that shows how a new technology can really throw people off . . .

Thing 2 Assignment:

For this Thing, I'd like you to create a blog post that shares:
  • a photo
  • a link
  • a video--either your own, or a writing-themed video from YouTube. You do know how to use YouTube, don't you?
Also, use font size to create subheads and play around with at least one other formatting icon (quotes, bullets, etc.)

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